Put pressure on businesses to act
Themes: Volunteering, Politics, Community

640,0001 people have spoken up as part of Oxfam’s Behind the Brands campaign.
As a result the 10 biggest food and drink companies’ performance on climate change has nearly doubled from 3.3/10 in Feb 2013 to 6.5/10 in April 2016.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
Have you got the power?
Yes! As consumers, we buy into brands which reflect our tastes or interests. As individuals, we can make changes to our buying habits to influence the bigger picture:
- Sign a petition – this small action may lead to big changes in the practices and behaviours of companies2 – particularly in the food and drink sector. Consider adding your signature and a donation to a well organised campaign like Behind The Brands
- Buy from a start-up – putting your ‘purchasing power’ behind a forward-thinking company may change the behaviour of their bigger, more established competitors
- Making your voice heard – visibly putting your support behind brands and businesses that take action against climate change can make it easier for governments to change legislation
Useful links
Put pressure on businesses to act
Themes: Volunteering, Politics, Community

640,0001 people have spoken up as part of Oxfam’s Behind the Brands campaign.
As a result the 10 biggest food and drink companies’ performance on climate change has nearly doubled from 3.3/10 in Feb 2013 to 6.5/10 in April 2016.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
Have you got the power?
Yes! As consumers, we buy into brands which reflect our tastes or interests. As individuals, we can make changes to our buying habits to influence the bigger picture:
- Sign a petition – this small action may lead to big changes in the practices and behaviours of companies2 – particularly in the food and drink sector. Consider adding your signature and a donation to a well organised campaign like Behind The Brands
- Buy from a start-up – putting your ‘purchasing power’ behind a forward-thinking company may change the behaviour of their bigger, more established competitors
- Making your voice heard – visibly putting your support behind brands and businesses that take action against climate change can make it easier for governments to change legislation
Useful links
Can you suggest an action?
Let us know what you think is missing – or tell us about something else you do to reduce your impact.